Introducing redprint-forge
A dev framework to modify & deploy OPStack ’s contracts.
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Related reading
OPStack's Proxy Component Explainer
A technical article guiding how OPStack's Proxy Contracts works
OPStack's Bridge Component Explainer
A technical article guiding how OPStack's Bridge Contracts works
An interactive OPStack 's smart contract generator
Introducing redprint-forge
As OPStack technology advances along with the the roll-up-centric roadmap vision, there are a great range of OPStack ‘s smart contract variations to select and more features to choose from, it becomes a challenge to present, manage and deploy all of them in a simple way.
To tackle this, we are thrilled to introduce redprint-forge, a developer-friendly framework/library in solidity to modify & deploy OPStack ’s contracts in a modular style. It works as an engine to:
- Provide type-safe deployment functions for OPStack’s smart contract component. This ensures correct type and order of arguments, enhancing security in smart contract development
- Save deployment schemas in json file
- Separate into each of modular and customizable components
- Based on All-Solidity, so no context switching, no new testing syntax
The directories below show how modular the redprint-forge’s deployment system is:
On the one hand, the first one is a set of deployment scripts written in /script, using redprint-forge library and style guide:
├── script
│ ├── 000_DeployAll.s.sol
│ ├── 100_DeploySafe.s.sol
│ ├── 200_SetupSuperchain.s.sol
│ ├── 201_DeployAddressManager.s.sol
│ ├── 202_DeployPloxyAdmin.s.sol
I highlight that developers are able to abstract and aggregate all scripts into just single one like in /script:
/** ... */
// `redprint-forge` 's core engine
import {IDeployer, getDeployer} from "@script/deployer/DeployScript.sol";
/** ... */
// application-specific logic
import {DeploySafeScript} from "@script/100_DeploySafe.s.sol";
import {SetupSuperchainScript} from "@script/200_SetupSuperchain.s.sol";
import {SetupOpchainScript} from "@scripts/400_SetupOpchain.s.sol";
import {SetupOpAltDAScript} from "@scripts/300_SetupOpAltDAScript.s.sol";
contract DeployAllScript is Script {
/** ... */
function run() public {
// a singleton global deployer that any deployment script can access
deployerProcedue = getDeployer();
// auto saving address schema in .json file
//1) set up Safe Multisig
DeploySafeScript safeDeployments = new DeploySafeScript();
//2) set up superChain
SetupSuperchainScript superchainSetups = new SetupSuperchainScript();;
//3) set up OpAltDA
SetupOpAltDAScript opAltDASetups = new SetupOpAltDAScript();;
//4) set up layer2 OP Chain
SetupOpchainScript opchainSetups = new SetupOpchainScript();;
/** ... */
Note💡 The first digit represents the higher level of deployment logic, compared to the last degits. For example,
whose number is200
includes all of scripts whose numbers starting with2XX
Note💡 You can also checkout how our implemented MVP of deployer library works as a core engine behind the scene here Deployer.sol
On the other hand, the second one is the original script from Optimism’s Deploy.s.sol
├── script
│ ├──
│ ├── Deploy.s.sol
│ ├──
As you can see, the original script is a single file, containing more than 1000 lines of code for all deployment logics for all contracts. Meanwhile, redprint-forge
abstracts and separates them into modular components, enabling better readability.
Using together with Redprint Wizard
, the generated solidity code which consists of both smart contract parts and their relevant deploy scripts are displayed in customizable ways, leading to better developer experience and creativity.
Furthermore, these deployment components are extremely re-usable to replicate the same environment when testing. This will speed up the development process, as the developer does not need to re-write deployment logics again in test suites.
As you can see in ProxyAdmin.t.sol, we can use those deployment components as a test harness.
├── test
│ ├──
│ ├── ProxyAdmin.t.sol
│ ├──
This could, together with Type-Safe Deployment feature, also improve overall security, because it potentially minimize false positives from using different deployment logics among production and test environments.
Find the example of using redprint-forge in Redprint Wizard and the source code at github repo and let us know what you think!!
👉🏻 🛠️ Detailed Installation Guide 🛠️
We embrace a culture of regenerative approach of building open-source software and we acknowledge, use, and get inspiration from these upstream software repositories :
- OPStack by OP Labs
- forge by Paradigm
- forge-deploy by Ronan Sandford